Barbarossa Episode 35 Urdu
This episode of Barbaros is very interesting
About this episode I tell you that what happened
in this episode will make up for your mistake You believe me
I believe Darvish Luna got all the information
from the tenth generation Nothing is known about us 10th
generation In the past the same organization tried to kill Sultan
Muhammad Fatih Luna is telling the truth if they
knew about us we would have been kicked out
long ago Assalam Alaikum Wa Alaikum Saleh Qandiyali came
and the messenger pigeon has left The news
of the departure of Apalchi Batista will reach the Sharks
There will be a delay but it will reach before them
How are the rest of the pigeons Are they being
well taken care of sir It will be sold in a market
and you will get good money I hope it’s okay Peter
it’s okay You can go I don’t know what will
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