Destan Episode 6 Urdu
Destan Episode 6 Urdu
About this episode I tell you what happens in this episode
If you die you will not die even after that Gul Alpa Go Khan
but your sons will die on my words
Save your son’s honor without bargaining with him and
you will save the honor of Dag by canceling the sentence
I would like it my Khan let’s talk alone my Khan if he finds
out that the heir has been captured Bala Mir and Jar will attack you
He will dethrone and Bala Mir will sit in your place
249 people have died due to fraud and look at us when I go to them
I can’t look at their face the system doesn’t work with people
who are already dead the system says that lives are lost
You have a duty to ensure the safety of the people of Gog
You cannot leave paradise for a person like Bala Mir
who cannot make up his mind about actions
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