Kurulus Osman Episode 109 Urdu
Kurulus Osman Episode 109 Urdu
This episode of kurulus Usman is very interesting
I will tell you about this episode that what happened
in this episode Such a state of affairs I declare to you an endless
war until there is no one left in the world. You know I know
I know that’s why I’m with you in every battle to shed Muslim blood
and that’s why I’ve decided to become a Christian
After you meet me you’ll be born true Olof I know
You will find the right path that’s why I included you with me
Life is also strange When I woke up my God was there
and now I live for the father son and holy spirit
Tomorrow our relationship will be even stronger
But they will come can I come in Come my chiefs
we have surrendered the Qaals to all the chiefs Qurban
we will never give up Uthman thinks that the chiefs of his Qala
are loyal to him but I have sent these chiefs to Uthman
This is a trick within a trick You can never buy you can never betray
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