Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 52 in urdu hindi!
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 52 in urdu hindi!
dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 4 in urdu hindi Friends, in this episode you will see that Ertugrul will buy the necessary items for his tribe and take them to his tribe. Noor Gul will take the carpets to Constantinople. When Ertugrul’s tribe comes, the tribesmen will be very happy and will pray for him.And…
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 6 in urdu hindi! Friends, you will see Aliyar Ertugrul in his tribe in season three, episode six. Aliyar will say, “We know that five of your comrades have been martyred, so we are inviting you so that you do not have any doubt about Ural. Who is behind…
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 30 in urdu hindi! Friends, you will see this season in episode three, episode 30. Oral is found guilty and sentenced to death, but the living cannot bear it. He blames his son Aliyar for all this. Ural would never have been sentenced to death. Aliyar says to…
DIRILIS Season 5 Urdu Subtitles EPISODE 02 | diriliş ertuğrul Season 5 in Urdu (Two Parts) This is Episode number 2 of Season 5 with Urdu Subtitles. Have you opened your eyes just now Artuk Bey? From now on be on the alert and keep your wits about you. As my Bey commands. But that’s not…
Payitaht Abdulhamid – Season 1 Episode 1 Urdu/Hindi Dubbing! Hello friends, today we will share with you the full details of the life of Sultan Abdul Hameed, the last caliph of the Ottoman Empire, who was a true lover of the Prophet. Friends, Sultan Abdul Hameed was a hope for all Muslims and a…
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 21 in urdu hindi! دوستو ، آپ اس سیزن کے تیسرے واقعہ نمبر بیس کے دوسرے حصے میں دیکھیں گے کہ یورال ڈاکوؤں نے پانچ ہزار سونے کے سکے دے کر قافلے پر حملہ کیا۔ اور وہ سونے کی کان پر حملہ کرے گا اور ایرٹگلول کے تمام فوجیوں…
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