An easy way to make fichal potatoes

An easy way to make fichal potatoes

There are people who go out every day. Potatoes are a must in our house. You have to take a potato and

It has to be grated and now the potato juice that you grate will get out

Put it on the side and now put a tablespoon of yoghurt in it and now in it

Add potato juice and mix well

With the help of brush, you can apply it on your dark circles and the whole face.

After applying it for 15 minutes, you can cool it down.

Rinse with water. Applying it will make your skin look like a facial

There is no harm in doing so. There is no harm in natural things

Natural things make the skin look great. You must apply it. Simple C is more

Nothing to take is an easy and cheap remedy from outside. You can apply it and tell me

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