Alp Arslan Episode 26 In Urdu
Alp Arslan Episode 26 In Urdu
Viewer Sultan Alp Arsalan’s episode number 26 is very interesting in this
Solomon would go to his mother and father and tell them to come in, including his father
He would tell her to come in and he would say I am ashamed of you even if it is mine
It was for the safety of the child. The protection of Dracha was a mistake for me
In spite of doing something, I lost my child and your confidence in this mistake
Help me to correct and forgive me Baba give me courage your voice
My head is bowed in shame in raising him. His father said, “Son, what have you done to me?”
If he wanted to ask, he would say that this duty was performed by our Sultan
To put it bluntly, I want to be the commander of my army, but now more than ever
I wish I could be the captain, Baba, for me to lift my bowed head
His father must have been happy. He said that it was a matter of pride for us that our son
He is so passionate about fulfilling his duty that Chand Nisa used to call his wife and she would say so