Kurulus Osman Episode 98 in Urdu
Kurulus Osman Episode 98 in Urdu
Let’s first talk about the mistake that Reuters has made
So viewers, that is the mistake of this historic last alpaca that is still this season
Should have joined but happened at the very end of the season and strangely enough
He came with a Seljuk delegation and quietly with other fighters in the Kai tribe
This is the historic Alp who left the Seljuk Empire and came to Usman Bay
But the Corollas did not enjoy the scene of his arrival in Usman and then talk
Hired a boxer again to play the historical role of Balban and now let’s talk
Is this actress of I-Gul going to leave Corollas Usman? It was reported last week
That I will die but she will not go and if I will die then Bala’s sister will get importance
Which is the right of this character and thus with the arrival of Bala’s sister Zaheera
The character will be gone and as far as the children of Ai Gul and Jir Kotai are concerned
Writer may forget them and only Kai Sultuk Alp in next season
See who will play the role of the original historical Sultuk Alp and Orhan Ghazi
Besides, there will be a lot of fans who are talking because I know Gul
In the last two episodes, I Gul and Jir Kotai have got a lot of screen time.
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