Malazgirt 1071 Full Movie HD with Urdu
Malazgirt 1071 Full Movie HD with Urdu
what happened in this episode I tell you what happened
in this episode my khan I want to talk to you that slave
Ghulam Akiz is so brave that she can fight against Taimur Tegan
Yes she is such a good fighter that she can even beat my baba
with her sword and competes in archery competition so well
What do you want to say There is this weapon in K Khan’s palace
who wants to kill Alpago Khan and who threatened my maid
and poisoned her If you have a sheep’s paw you can do it because
what happens in it take my hand two hundred Vedas
sent off with that khan she can’t kill with khan’s arrow plus
she will try to kill him with sword when we find out that
the wrong girl is hanged By then she has run away with her friend
If you don’t die maybe you can trust Dag but a person
from the Dag tribe will die then trust you I can do it you will kill me
He who killed the mother of his son can do anything
Forgive me my lord but what will I tell him who killed the Daag woman
I am now in this storm I won’t let you come think again
I won’t put you in jail for now because you know who you are
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