Alp Arslan Episode 35 Urdu
This episode of Lip Arsalan is very interesting
About this episode I tell you what happened in this episode
I told you about Dami until now He looked like a beggar
Do you know any such person in the Turks Unfortunately
I don’t Dear Governor He came and said No sir don’t worry sir
she is alive waiting for you in my presence let me go
If you let me go my baba will give you a lot of gold
it’s not about the gold it’s about the blood we’re going anal sir
get ready where to see when we get there hurry up don’t
you know Alp Arslan is behind me You still haven’t told me
where we are going Governor Baba Chip I took away your reputation
and now I will take your life Enal Come on stop Baba Go stay
where you are If you make a move So I’ll kill him Flora
What’s going on here Governor If you take another step
the archers around me will kill you and I’ll take your daughter Arsalan Yusuf
You’re crazy my daughter Let me know what you think
I am doing now you will either kill my enemy Ibrahim Enal
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