Alp Arslan Episode 42 Urdu
This episode of Alp Arsalan is very interesting
About this episode I am telling you what may
have happened in this episode But I have made arrangements
for some time They will not be here before tomorrow
There is serious news Atif now go to Baghdad Kim spoke earlier
I will slaughter everyone in the Abbasid palace as you have ordered
Come to my presence Let’s go I saw the dogs talking to each other and then they left before you
came Your man saw it all Alp Arslan Now Sultan
Tughril It’s up to you Will the Abbasid Caliphs die Or not my Sultan Once I heard that you had
defeated Besa Seri I asked the Sultan for permission
to come here I grew up seeing this dog torment people in Baghdad When he first captured the city
he killed all the people The hedgehogs of Baghdad
I saw my father in cold blood There were What
they are saying is true My Sultan Khalifa who may be in danger
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