Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu 21 part 1 in hindi | bölüm full izle | Uyanış Büyük Selçuklu 22!


With the telecast of friends Beyuk Sanjuk, a new era of speculation about Sanjuk began on social media.

As you all know, in the time of Malik Shah, Sanjuk was a superpower of the world.

And every power on earth trembled at his name. An enemy of this great power was also a great friend and mystery.

The example of the battle between Hassan bin Sabah and Sanjuk is similar to the Pakistan Army’s operation against terrorists

In both cases, the states did not know who their real enemy was.Friends, in today’s video we will discuss the death of Hassan bin Sabah

Watch the full video and like and comment.Viewers There are countless personalities in history who have set an example for themselves in greatness.

And the stories of their glory and majesty had reached the world.But the position of Hasan ibn Sabah and his followers in mystery is indescribable.

Hasan ibn Sabah’s sect was like a snake in the sleeve of Islam, just as the earth has become a cradle of sins away from the sun

Similarly, a man named Hassan ibn Sabah planned to separate himself from Islam and attain the greatness of the prophets and messengers.

He continued to call himself a Muslim and formed a group that magically made people his followers.

To this end, the group adopted methods such as beautiful girls, narcotic herbs, hypnotism and marijuana.

In the creation of paradise in which even the stones would turn into wax.He formed a group to assassinate his opponents while the methods of killing were secret and mysterious.
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