dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 2 part 2 in urdu hindi!

They ask who is this man Haqa toryan. Why he buys this old slave with money of the tribe. They demanded jirgaah meeting. Ertugrol gets angry with the people and clearly tells people to do their part and do not inter fere with minor issues and call a meeting for these issues. 

Ertugrul has reached in to the bazar to sell his pelts but actually to meet Sultan Allauddin Spye. He meets Aslah haan in the bazaar and asks her that every thing is ok? the Oral has done a drama inside the shop after wound his leg in front of his father to fool him. When Ertugrul asks Aslah haan about Jandaar Oral comes out and asks Ertugrul that Bazaar is not his place.

If he can escape from his arrow he is set to free. The slave starts running to save his life but he can not escape from the arrow and killed by the Oral. The Oral ask for the other one to untie. The Oral also tells him to run and save his life. Aslah haan comes to his brother to stop him but the Oral does not listen to her and continue his fun.

He is already has bought this slave. Ertugrul wants to buy this slave from the Oral. The Oral is a greedy person He sold out it to Ertugrol with double price.

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