Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 17 in urdu / hindi dubbing!

The blood of Kaye will flow like this river i swear on the flying bird i cut the head of Kaye tribe and it fly like the bird. I swear on the mother earth. How did Osman set a trap for us commander Balgaey Still do not get it. They have made and alliance with Yaynis and ambushed us Snakes can not be more sneaky Fox can not be more cunning than this an boy.

I thought you were smart now your Mother’s throwing you into the fire as well. I always stand by my Mother you think we  will let you get away with my brother’s murder i see you will not rest until you spill blood I shell be the death of you Seljaan Hatoon Drop your weapon Seljaan Hatoon.

We must control the wound to stop the bleeding quick flare up the fire but first we have to get rid of this arrow dagger in the name of Allah the compassionate the merciful. We take refuge in Allah in the name of Allah the compassionate the merciful. Oh Shafi oh Healer Are we going to attack my bey Six people.

I will take my revenge severely how did Osman manage to plan this Balgaey Yaynis seems like that old man forget about the rage of Mongol’s as well if he was not making business with Osman it would be his blood instead of ours we do not have any more soldiers left commander Balgay what are we going to do if Gayhaatu learns about this is my battle I will kill Gayhaatu.

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