Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 48  part 1 in urdu | Kurulus Osman season 2 Episode 21

Ever since Eagle was appointed as the head of the Bajian Romans in Corals Othman, the audience has been wanting to know who is the Roman Bajian.
? So viewers, without wasting time, in today’s video we will talk about what was Bajian Rome, what did this organization do?
And how did the top lady become the head of this organization?Audience Rome means the women’s organization of Anatolia.
Baji means sister and her plural is bajiyan in Turkish.And even today, in many cities in Anatolia, the word baji is used for sister in Pakistan, Afghanistan and India.
Rome means Anatolia. In the thirteenth century, the Turkish women of Anatolia who emigrated to the region were members of this organization.
Now let’s talk about when and how this organization was formed.So, viewers, this organization was established by Begum Fatima Baji of Akhi Salsala Akhi and those whom we have seen in the brave Ertughal.
And let me make it clear that this was the first women’s organization in the world.The whole series worked to improve the social and economic life of Turkish men on an Islamic basis.
Through this organization, science, art and ethics have been used to improve the religious, secular and economic life of Muslim Turkish women.
And anyway, women were very important in the Akhi movement.Audience: The oldest Ottoman historian, Aashiq Pashazat, was the first historian to mention the Bajiyan of Rome in his book Tabareekh, Uthman.
They have divided the Turks who migrated to Anatolia into four groups, the number one Roman conqueror, the number two Roman narrator, the number three Roman emperor and the fourth Roman musician.
I will now briefly describe to you.The spectators were Turkish conquerors, Roman warriors, Roman artisans and Turks of various professions.
The Abdalians of Rome were dervishes and the Bajians of Rome were Turkish women.
Now you may be wondering what this organization was doing.So the audience was the center of the Akhi series in Kasiri, which was the capital of the Turks belonging to various professions, and we know that Kasiri was an important city of the Sanjuk Empire.
But there was a place of work for men as well as women.Most of them were women whose domestic situation was financially strapped or women whose husbands went to jihad and their whereabouts were unknown or they were martyred.
Along with them, the musicians of Rome would take the orphans under their care and provide for them, as well as their education and the settlement of their homes when they were young.
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