Watch Kurulus Osman season 2 Episode 1 Part 2 in urdu | Kurulus Osman!

Guys, this season’s second episode number one Guys, this season starts off very aggressively At the beginning of this season, Usman is told that you are now a special kind of person Your life is no longer yours Your goal is no more Your son is not yours.
Usman asks then whose it is He is told that now it all belongs to the nation, it belongs to the Muslims, now you have to establish an empire Where Muslims can live freely.
Usman promises these white bearded men that from now on my life is not mine, my blood is not mine, my goal is not mine. Now all this will be for the establishment of a free kingdom.
At the very beginning of this drama, the Byzantine enemy attacks the emigrant caravan of Alex Usman. And he leaves no one. He kills children, old women and soldiers The woman above is injured
And he takes Boran, Ahmed, and other soldiers prisoner and tortures them along the way. Ahmed, a small child, also carries this child in handcuffs.
When Ahmed is called Boran Ahmed work with courage you are a soldier and do not bow down to him Ahmed replied, “I am a soldier of ‘Uthman. How can I bow before these cowards?”
When Uthman arrives at the caravan site, he sees that many people have been injured and many innocent people have been killed. Usman asks Goktog how it all happened and who did it. Goktog tells Usman that Alex did it.
Usman angrily asks where my uncle Zuljan and my brother were at that time And why didn’t he stop the attack? Goktog tells Usman that Bala was injured.
Part 2
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