Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 6 Part 1
Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 6 in Urdu
Kurulus Osman Season 3
Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 6
Kurulus Osman
We will wait for you in our tent until sunset If you do not come, we will understand that you are behind all these incidents.
Nicola falls in love with Governor Koss Governor Koss’s sister, Marie Nicola, says If you love me So why is Turgat and his tribe still captive?
And why haven’t they been destroyed yet? Nicola presents Marie with a diamond necklace And he says I have to shed Turkish blood to prove my love, so I agree
After burying his soldiers, Turgat gathers his soldiers and says Today we will not go to the tribe before taking revenge on our soldiers
Turgat hides in the forest with his soldiers and ambushes the soldiers of Kosas. Meanwhile, Nicola also attacks the Turgut tribe with his soldiers
And Turgat says where are you? Get out. I have come to avenge my love On the one hand, Turgut avenges his soldiers, and on the other, Nicola sets fire to Turgut’s tribe.
And massacres the tribe Turgat sees the tribe when he comes to avenge his soldiers Nicola has devastated her tribe And Nicola waits for Turgut. Nicola arrests Turgut and takes him away.