Alp Arslan Episode 44 Urdu
This episode of Alp Arsalan is very interesting
About this episode I will tell you what happened in this episode
He is able to remove hardships and difficulties
When you are complaining about a broken finger and injury you don’t know that
maybe your arm is injured Allah Almighty has given you a lesser
pain than this I understand but understanding does not
cure the pain and wounds of the heart Pray, pray that this pain will end soon There must
be a problem Otherwise when did Sulaiman come
back from the same way he entered You are right
sir but if they were to be harmed Yasin you and Bator are not to blame
for this, although you should have stopped it If
Gregor came to know that Sulaiman Sahib has
been nominated as the crown prince so it is
likely that he will put the kingdom in a difficult situation
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