Barbaroslar Episode 16 in Urdu
Barbaroslar Episode 16 in Urdu
Nicola presents Marie with a diamond necklace And he says I have to shed Turkish blood to prove my love, so I agree After burying his soldiers, Turgat gathers his soldiers and says
Today we will not go to the tribe before taking revenge on our soldiers Turgat hides in the forest with his soldiers and ambushes the soldiers of Kosas. Meanwhile, Nicola also attacks the Turgut tribe with his soldiers
And Turgat says where are you? Get out. I have come to avenge my love On the one hand, Turgat takes revenge on his soldiers On the other hand, Nicola sets fire to the Turgut tribe
And massacres the tribe When the tribe comes to avenge its soldiers You see, Nicola has ruined her tribe And Nicola waits for Turgut
Nicola also arrests Turgut and takes him away. Osman waits for Governor Rogadis But Governor Rogadis doesn’t come even in the dark of night, so Usman begins to doubt Governor Rogadis.
And he says tomorrow we will attack the castle of Rogadis for revenge The next day, when Usman and his men set out from the tribe to attack the fort of Governor Rogadis,
At the same time, Governor Rogadis enters with a contingent of soldiers dressed as Nicola’s soldiers. And he says to ‘Usman, “I am late in coming because I have seen you. Coins can be made from anywhere.”
The soldiers of Turgut were not attacked by my soldiers but by the soldiers of Governor Koss. He is trapping you. Don’t get caught in his trap.