Barbarossa Episode 32 in Urdu dubbing
We will always pray for him. This means that it is now up to you to maintain the Muslim Turkish flag in the Western Mediterranean
I know, Perry, that this responsibility is so heavy that I have no right to mourn for my brother or my master. My people are waiting for this hope
My soldier waits for strength, my aim is victory, and my enemy waits for my vengeance
From now on it is forbidden for me to sit idle, wait and mourn
Yerry Dan Diago snagged the booming Reyes. They were probably enough, it didn’t matter how many there were
Urooj Agha was not an ordinary man who could fall into the trap of a young man
What do you mean, who can betray Arooj Reyes except those who are closest to us
Let’s find out who did it, we can catch someone and get rid of all this
It’s not necessary, when we meet Dan Diego, everything will finally come to light. Our only goal now is to find and decapitate Dan Diego
Algiers are also waiting for you to sit on the throne
First we have to go to Jejal and collect the soldiers then I will sit on the throne
We will go after Dan Diego, we have killed the rise and now I will sit on his throne for Algeria, then we will take Jajal, the throne of Algeria is now with Khizr
He will soon be ready to sit on the throne. Let him come Come and let us do our trick in front of him
That is why we will immediately attack Algeria, how many Algerians like you are against Barbarossa
Most of them still support him. If we get the throne, we can defeat Barbarossa’s supporters
Well then, let the iron speak for Algeria, I have put the clothes of my two martyred sons in this box
First Ilyas’s clothes and now Uzum’s clothes. My heart is full of pain like this box. I had enough strength to bear the pain.
The pain of rising has burned me, I don’t know how I will bear this pain
How will I bear this pain? Urooj Reyes was a father, a son, a brother, a friend, a sultan and a brave man
Every actor had some connection with it. Viewers keep visiting our website to watch all Kush dramas. Thank you