Barbarossa Episode 33 Urdu dubbing

Barbarossa Episode 33 Urdu dubbing

about this episode I will tell you what happened in this episode

this is the sword that destroyed Gok Khanate get up and hug your father

did we succeed yes we Alpago Khan has abdicated

the Jirga has gathered the victory will be ours what will we do now

shall we wait for the Jirga to sit on the throne because

you do not know your father I am impatient for the Jirga to meet

It is waiting for you it means Baba, what will you do

what will you do the fake paw that attacked your father

had seen his wound in the jirga don’t you think that she was a stickler

I want to go back and take her and your uncle’s life

will reach but your father doesn’t think he will be able to bear it

He will do it Where are our khans gone Dagh Oluwaija

What does this mean Jirga will be convened Did they go Dagh

instead of fighting Balamir How could they not tell me

Did that Dagh girl take them Qun will come and treat their wounds

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