Destan Urdu Episode 2

Destan Urdu Episode 2

Aslam Alaikum, viewers, this episode of Dasan drama is very interesting. I will tell you what happened in this episode first. Everything

has happened because of this evil monster. Mother Gok Tengri’s disapproval of this marriage is because of this monster. Stop it, mother,

stop it. Leave the poor man to his situation, he has tongues from whom he has demanded marriage. Wounded our king of thieves

He has no crime to do Mother God forbid if my Baba dies it will be because of that bastard not because of Batoga Batoga has stopped the

arrow from hitting Baba’s heart even if I have to search the entire plains I swear to find him

I will take out and trample under my feet the man who shot arrows at our king How Seltuk we do not know him All know only the double-

headed sheep that is the masked girl My great queen I have seen her face I if If you look at Darbara, you will recognize it

With black hair and eyebrows, my arrow hit his arm, he is injured, you stay here, Seltuk, my father gave me the responsibility to catch

this thief, prince, stay here, our king is in danger, don’t be far from your father, really Alpago. Dead, Batoga pushed him away.

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