Destan Urdu Episode 4
This episode of the story is very interesting
About this episode I will tell you what happened in this episode
So in my dream you wanted to say this Baba this is my destiny
to take revenge from Alpagu Khan I have taken revenge
Baba he will not die easily like you He is yearning in front of Arlik Khan
Come with me Come with me Come with me Yes
and we are getting this girl married to him It is a pity for your fate
If our Khan demands your father will accept it
First our Khan should get well
My father and I are concerned now Our khan is recovering well Oluwaija khanum
I am tired and want to rest is it allowed you said the poison will take
effect immediately Alpago khan is still trying for his life I don’t know
the commander said the same with small pox
What happened to the bag Then as per the instructions given by
Paras I poured it on his wound like this I hope no one will clean it
What do you think
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