Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 7

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 7 in Urdu

Kurulus Osman Season 3

Kurulus Osman Season 3 Episode 7

Kurulus Osman

When Boran and Gogtog ask for their names after being severely tortured, the prisoner mentions Governor Koss. At the same time, Governor Koss and his sister Usman are in the tribe

While Usman is talking to Governor Koss, Boran comes and says that the prisoner has mentioned the name of this person. Usman asks who it is, then Boran tells Governor Koss.

Osman does not allow Governor Kosis to realize that the prisoner mentions Kosis’s name Usman says to Governor Koss, “Let me show you my tribe.” Koss says OK Usman takes Koss to the prison tent


And he asks in front of Kosas who told you who ordered the attack. The prisoner says that as soon as Mikhail Kosis hears this, Kosis becomes very upset

And controlling himself, he says to ‘Usman, “This is definitely a ploy against me.” And why would I do that? Usman tells Kosis that Pastor Gregor is with me and that the attack was carried out to save him from me.

Koss asks in a very clear Rana manner, do you have Koss? I didn’t know that, but now I know If I only knew that Pastor Gregor was with you, I would have let him go long ago

And if I had told them to attack, it would not be with you today, but with me This is either the trick of Rogadis or don’t let anyone else get in their way, Usman Sahib

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