Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 32 in urdu hindi!


Friends, you will see this season in episode three, number 32. After the funeral of the living, Amir Saadatin Kopek and the Byzantine governor Vassilus Oral are mobilized to save.

Aliar, on the other hand, convenes a jirga to elect a new chief. Before convening a jirga, Amir Saadatin Kopek tells Akcha from Jandar’s tribe that you will present yourself as a candidate for chief, because if Aliyar becomes chief, then Ertugrul Will find the way clear. When the jirga begins, Akcha submits his name to become the chief. During the jirga, Oral’s newborn son dies. That is why Aliar adjourns the jirga until the next day.

Amir Saadatin Kopek puts pressure on Ertugrul to persuade the families of the martyrs of his tribe to forgive Ural.

Otherwise there will be a lot of bloodshed between the two tribes and the reason for all this will be only you. Ertugrul consults his family first and then the people of his tribe I will ask Kopek for the leadership of Aliyar. This will bring peace to both the tribes. The people of the tribe accept the word of Ertugrul.

Ertugrul tells Amir Saadatin Kopek that I can pardon Oral’s sentence on one condition if you make Aliyar the chief of the Chawdar tribe.

After that, Ertugrul leaves Oral and Oral goes to his tribe Amir Saadatin Kopek, as promised, makes Aliyar the chief of the Chaudar tribe.
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