Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 39 in urdu hindi!
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 39 in urdu hindi!
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 22 in urdu hindi! Guys you will see in this season three episode number twenty two Ertugrul goes to see the governor in Karachaisar castle and asks the governor Why did you end the trade from Hanley Bazaar? You ended it because it was conquered by a Muslim….
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 53 in urdu hindi! سلطان کے جاسوس کو ارتغرل سے پہلے ویسیلوس ڈھونڈ لیتا ہے۔ دوسری طرف سلطان تاجروں کا بھیس بدل کر ارتغرل کے قبیلے آتا ہے اور ارتغرل کے بارے مکمل معلومات حاصل کرنے کے لیے پہلے قبیلے پھر قعلہ جاتا ہے اور لوگوں سے پوچھتا…
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 35 in urdu hindi! Guys you will see in this season three episode number thirty five Ertugrul will bring Aliyar to his tribe in a wounded condition. Aliyar’s condition will be very critical. Ertugrul will tell Arif to cure Aliyar quickly. Arif Sahib will quickly take Aliyar to…
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 28 in urdu hindi! دوستوں آپ اس سیزن تین قسط نمبر ستائیس میں دیکھیں گے کہ ارتغرل چاؤدار قبیلہ آلیار کے خیمہ میں چلا جاتا ہے آلیار ارتغرل کو دیکھ کر بہت پریشان ہو جاتا ہے اور ارتغرل سے پوچھتا ہے کہ آپ یہاں کیا کر رہے ہیں…
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 25 in urdu hindi! ‘Guys, you will see in this season three episode number twenty five, the Byzantine governor is assassinated in Hanley, the bazaar of Ertugrul, and all his blame falls on Ertugrul. To be caught, Norgul runs after the killer. Ertugrul is upset that the governor…
dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 4 in urdu hindi Friends, in this episode you will see that Ertugrul will buy the necessary items for his tribe and take them to his tribe. Noor Gul will take the carpets to Constantinople. When Ertugrul’s tribe comes, the tribesmen will be very happy and will pray for him.And…