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Such as the seven heavens, the seven pillars of the Shari’a, etc. According to them, no eighth Imam will come after Hazrat Ismail Jafar, and now only Qaim Al-Mahdi should wait.Which will appear shortly before the Resurrection, hence this sect is called Sabiya or Sat Imami.
And in the third century they came to be known as Qaramata. They were the ones who uprooted the Black Stone and attacked the Ka’bah, slaughtered the pilgrims and killed The reason for the name education is that they believed that true education could only be obtained from the Imam of the Age.
They are called Fatima because all their mothers are descendants of Hazrat Fatima bint Muhammad.He was given the title of atheist by his enemies. And it was given especially to the Ismailis of Iran. It is derived from atheist, which means atheist.
They were called Mazar-i-Sharif because a group of Ismailis supported the caliphate of Nizar, the eldest son of the seventh caliph of Egypt, Misrir Fatmi.And they are called Musta’liyya because a group of Ismailis believed in the Imamate of Musta’li, the second son of Masrur Fatmi.
That is, you may understand that there is a slight difference of opinion between them, but the origin of these groups is the same from behind.That is, to be the leader of the Imamate of Hazrat Ismail bin Jafar.
Now let’s talk about where are they today and what are their names? So, viewers, there are many types of Ismailis even today. One of them is Ismaili Nazari who belongs to Hassan Sabah.And it is present in Syria, Oman, Iran and northern Afghanistan.
And most of the people of Badakhshan in Afghanistan are Nazaris. Until the fourth decade of the twentieth century, all the people in the east of Jakistan and all the people in the mountainous region of the Pamirs were Nazaris.The Russian researcher Peter Shakyafi writes that in the thirteenth century AD the Nizaris started migrating to India and increased during the sixteenth century to the nineteenth century.
Their leader was called Aqa Khan, and Aqa Khan I migrated from Iran to India in 1338 AD.And today’s Aqa Khan, who is called Prince Karim Aqa Khan, is considered to be the twentieth Imam after Hazrat Ali.
All viewers pay him a tenth of their income, that is, a usher.And they have a lot in Pakistan and India,
And today the names of the present Ismaili sects are: Bahri, Druze, Aga Khani, Abu Sa’idiya, Barqiya, Khattabiya, Khalitah, Subhiya, Abdul Hayyah, Ghiya Siah, Muhaddimiyah, Nasriyah, Muscatiyah and Mubarakiyah.But it is worth noting that in spite of being divided into so many sects, the theory of esotericism must be found.
And even today the word Batiniya is used for the Ismaili Agha Khani and Khoja.Maulana Najaf Hanafi in his book Madahab-ul-Islam has written a description of their beliefs in different places
Isma’il’s Salam or Ali Madad and the answer is Salam Mawla Ali Madad, according to them there is no need for ablution According to him, fasting is actually about the ear, the eye and the tongue.
And fasting does not break with eating and drinking.His word is Ashhadan Allah La Allah Allah, and Ashhadan Muhammad Abduh and Rasool and Ashhadan Amir al-Mu’minin Ali Allah.
According to him, it is not necessary to stand facing the qiblah, nor is it necessary to offer prayers five times a day.Because he is the image of God on earth, they do not have Zakat, they believe that the Imam has the power to forgive sins
And the edicts of the Imam are equal to the Qur’an.This dangerous sect martyred the famous Sultans of the Islamic world, the caliphs of Islam and the commanders who fought against the Crusaders.
According to Imam Ibn Taymiyyah, Imam Ibn Hazm and Imam Ghazali, their disbelief is worse than that of the Jews and Christians.And during the reign of Sanjuki, they took an organized form in Khorasan and beyond the canal under the leadership of Hassan Sabah, also known as Hashishia
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