Alp Arslan Episode 11 In Urdu

Alp Arslan Episode 11 In Urdu

Coss’s sister Mari, whom Coss loves dearly Mari falls in love with Turgat Nicola seems to fall in love with Marie to have a stronger relationship with Koss and become stronger

Nicola asks Mari for a relationship with Koss And Koss is satisfied Mari is not happy with this relationship So Mari asks Turgut for help to save herself Turgut rescues Nicola and Mari in front of Kosa and Nicola during their marriage.

Then another enemy of Usman appears in the form of Seljuk minister Alam Shah Alam kidnaps Shah Mari from Usman’s tribe with the help of Gundoz and hands him over to Kos

Cosby hands over to Marie Nicola And Nicola says you have to take good care of Mari And Mari was never harmed Because I love Marie so much Nicola takes Mari to her castle

When Turgut learns that Mari has been kidnapped by Nicola So he goes to Nicola’s castle to save Mari. Nicola stabs Mari in the stomach to avenge her disgrace Meanwhile, Turgat also arrives to rescue Mari

Meanwhile, Turgat also arrives to rescue Mari Later, when Koss finds out that Nicola has tried to kill Marie And if Turgat has saved him, then Kosis will form an alliance with Usman

In this way, one of Usman’s enemies is reduced and one of his friends is added Koss starts plotting with Usman against Nicola and Rogados to get revenge on Nicola.

And Enaghol fully supports Usman to conquer the fort And at the same time it seems to be influenced by Islam Kosis is very much influenced by Usman After repeated meetings with Sheikh Adibali and Kamral Abdal, Koss will become a Muslim. Natrin will not be a Muslim yet. He will be a Muslim three or four episodes before the end of this season.


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