Kurulus Osman Episode 120 Urdu

Kurulus Osman is a historical fiction drama series that has been captivating audiences since its debut in 2019. The series follows the life of Osman Bey, the son of Ertugrul Ghazi, and his struggles to establish the Ottoman Empire. The show is known for its gripping plotlines, exceptional acting, and stunning visuals. In this article, we will be discussing Kurulus Osman Episode 120 in Urdu.

Kurulus Osman Episode 120 Urdu: Plot Summary

The episode begins with Osman and his soldiers strategizing for their upcoming battle against the Byzantine Empire. Osman is determined to reclaim his father’s throne and establish the Ottoman Empire. However, the Byzantine forces are well-prepared and outnumber Osman’s army. Osman knows that this will be a difficult battle, but he is ready to fight until his last breath.

Meanwhile, Bala Hatun is in the palace, where she receives a visitor. The visitor is revealed to be Savci Bey, Osman’s brother, who has come to seek Bala’s help. Savci is being pursued by the Mongols, and he needs a safe place to hide. Bala agrees to help him, and Savci is relieved to have found a trusted ally.

Back at the battlefield, the Byzantine forces launch a surprise attack, catching Osman’s army off guard. Osman is wounded in the battle, but he continues to fight on, determined not to give up. His soldiers rally around him, and together, they manage to push back the Byzantine forces.

As the battle rages on, Osman is confronted by Nikola, the leader of the Byzantine forces. The two engage in a fierce battle, with Nikola gaining the upper hand. However, Osman manages to turn the tables and defeats Nikola, ending the battle and securing his victory.

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