Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 24 in urdu hindi!
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 24 in urdu hindi!
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 21 in urdu hindi! دوستو ، آپ اس سیزن کے تیسرے واقعہ نمبر بیس کے دوسرے حصے میں دیکھیں گے کہ یورال ڈاکوؤں نے پانچ ہزار سونے کے سکے دے کر قافلے پر حملہ کیا۔ اور وہ سونے کی کان پر حملہ کرے گا اور ایرٹگلول کے تمام فوجیوں…
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 28 in urdu hindi! دوستوں آپ اس سیزن تین قسط نمبر ستائیس میں دیکھیں گے کہ ارتغرل چاؤدار قبیلہ آلیار کے خیمہ میں چلا جاتا ہے آلیار ارتغرل کو دیکھ کر بہت پریشان ہو جاتا ہے اور ارتغرل سے پوچھتا ہے کہ آپ یہاں کیا کر رہے ہیں…
Payitaht Abdulhamid – Season 1 Episode 1 Urdu/Hindi Dubbing! Hello friends, today we will share with you the full details of the life of Sultan Abdul Hameed, the last caliph of the Ottoman Empire, who was a true lover of the Prophet. Friends, Sultan Abdul Hameed was a hope for all Muslims and a…
Dirilis Ertugrul Season 2 Episode 6 in Urdu dubbing full hd #UrduDubbing! Dirlis, We are proudly presenting Season 2 with Urdu Subtitles. The first season of Dirilis was on aired on Private channel Hum Sitaray with Urdu Dubbing. We cannot dub it but we are adding subtitles to the Season 2. After finishing with Templars…
dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 2 part 2 in urdu hindi! They ask who is this man Haqa toryan. Why he buys this old slave with money of the tribe. They demanded jirgaah meeting. Ertugrol gets angry with the people and clearly tells people to do their part and do not inter fere with minor…
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 45 in urdu hindi! Guys you will see in this season three episode number forty five Vesilus deceives Ertugrul. Vesilus sends Hajatorian dead instead of Zuljan. This suggests to Ertugrul that Veselus knows everything. But Ertuلrul and his associates wonder how Vasilos found out that Zuljan and Roshan…
Bhai next episode upload kriye