Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 42 in urdu hindi!


Guys you will see in season three episode number forty two Ertuلrul uses vesicles to trap the vesicles When Yagiz tells Oral that the booty looted from Ertugrul Vesuvius tomorrow is going to be given to the chiefs of different tribes

So Oral immediately tells this news to Vesuvius At the same time, it shows that this is the only opportunity to test Halina Vesuvius tells Oral to tell Halina that tomorrow we will attack Ertugrul and his associates and get our loot.

If this news reaches Ertugrul and he saves himself then I will be convinced that there is a traitor Halina among us.

Vesuvius, on the other hand, is thinking that tomorrow I will finish his job by trapping Ertugrul. Aliyar, on the other hand, gets the news that Oral has called the chiefs of other tribes to meet him. He will meet Oral tomorrow under the pretext of hunting in the forest. Aliyar goes after him to catch Oral.

Vesuvius, on the other hand, sends Tew to kill Ertugrul. Vesuvius’ soldiers attack and a fierce battle ensues. Ertugrul wins the battle Aliyar goes after him to catch Oral. On the other hand, there is a fight between Aliyar and Ural and Ural Aliyar is injured and runs away.
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