Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 42 in urdu hindi!
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 42 in urdu hindi!
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 33 in urdu hindi! دوستوں آپ اس سیزن تین قسط نمبر پینتیس میں دیکھیں گے ارتغرل آلیار کو زخمی حالت میں اپنے قبیلے لے آئے گا آلیار کی حالت کافی نازک ہو گی ارتغرل عارف کو کہائے گا جلدی سے آلیار کا علاج کریں عارف صاحب جلدی سے آلیار…
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 17 in urdu hindi! Friends, this season you will see in episode three, episode 17, that Ertugrul and his companions attack Simon’s bazaar. Simon also stands ready for battle and there is a fierce battle between the two. When Simon sees that he is losing the battle, he runs…
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 19 in urdu hindi! Friends, this season you will see in episode three episode 19 that Ertugrul divides the booty he gets after conquering Hanley Bazaar into equal parts but Oral demands Ertugrul. The spoils of war are also due to the living tribe, because when you conquered the fort,…
Dirilis Ertugrul Season 2 Episode 5 in Urdu dubbing full hd #UrduDubbing! After Season ONE of Dirlis, We are proudly presenting Season 2 with Urdu Subtitles. The first season of Dirilis was on aired on Private channel Hum Sitaray with Urdu Dubbing. We cannot dub it but we are adding subtitles to the Season 2….
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 20 part 2 in urdu hindi! Friends, you will see in the second part of this season three episode number twenty that the Ural bandits attacked the caravan by giving five thousand gold coins. And he will attack the gold mine and kill all the soldiers of ErtugrulFrom here,…
Watch dirilis ertugrul season 3 episode 39 in urdu hindi! Guys you will see in this season three episode number thirty nine When Norgel and his companions start fleeing from the fort, they are pursued by Byzantine soldiers. And not letting them out of the castle, Norgul and his soldiers return to Hajatorian’s shop….