Barbaroslar Episode 15 in Urdu

Barbaroslar Episode 15 in Urdu

Zeeshan rides his horse to Nicola’s castle and draws an arrow He tied a leather letter to the arrow and threw it inside Nicola’s castle

The soldier in the castle picks up the arrow and goes to Nicola He tells Nicola that the arrow was thrown from outside the castle There is also a letter with this arrow

Nicola thinks this arrow must belong to this spy. Nicola reads the letter openly On which it is written that Usman is about to attack Anna Ghul Qala Usman has started war preparations

Usman took charge of the war preparations to his most experienced Turgut Who was a close associate of his father Ertugrul And most of the wars are fought and given to the invincible Turgat.

Sultan Masood also allowed Usman to attack Anna Ghul Qala He also said that when Usman’s war preparations will be completed At that time Sultan Masood will give his most capable soldier under the command of Usman.

At the same time, many tribal chiefs have decided to support Usman’s campaign After reading this letter, Nicola angrily starts squeezing the letter in his hand Nicola tells Jorgen that we must stop Usman’s war preparations at all costs

If Usman completes this battle preparation then no one can stop Usman from conquering this fort Helen asks anxiously, “What shall we do now?” And how will you stop ‘Usman? Nicola says we must first get rid of Usman’s bloodthirsty wolf Turgat.

If we manage to get rid of Turgat, then it will be difficult for ‘Usman to attack our fort. We can save our lives from Turgut by using our spy. Usman sees Zeeshan returning to the tribe on horseback Usman pauses his horse for a moment to think. After thinking for a while, Usman lifts his horse’s forelegs and leaves


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