Alp Arslan Season 2 Episode 2 In Urdu
Tells what happened in this episode and what interesting scenes happened. I am sure you now
Alp Arsalan will be upset to see him leading the army and during the siege
For your own defeat, you did not tell all this to K. Menus
As long as it serves my interests in Arbe now Seljuk and Alp Arslan
I want to get rid of it and then what about the one who knows the key to the Seljuk dew
No one will dare to stand in our way if we leave Prokas
Not even the emperor. God willing, my dear girl, these clothes look very good on you
No one will dare to stand in our way if we leave Prokas
Not even the emperor. God willing, my dear girl, these clothes look very good on you
Alp Arsalan also liked it. His eyes were shining when he saw you
Alp Arsalan talked about Hassan Sahib’s deprived wife
Don’t tell Arsalan, mother
Thanks for visiting our website to find out what happens in the next installment
Don’t tell Arsalan, mother says what are you saying, daughter, this is not from Alp Arsalan at all